When I was in grade 2, I had nothing to share with my class
during “show and tell.” To make my time in front of the class interesting I informed
everyone that my mum delivered twin girls the day before - which was a complete
My little “story” lit up the entire class the way Thomas
Edison’s light bulb lit the world. Everyone listened to me for a brief period
and asked me questions. I was temporarily the center of attention. The only
problem from that little episode was my teacher, Ms. Cloth (no kidding, that
was her name) called my mum to congratulate her. Boy did I get into trouble! I
learned then and there about fibbing – especially public fibbing. Ever since, I
kind of get upset when I see adults fudge the truth or condone it.
So that brings me to the Internet, where fibs often are
never really addressed. In fact they multiply and no one seems to care or do
anything about it. I can’t decide what is worse: the actual untruth that is
spread like a disease, or the amount of human beings that print and state
untruths without compunction. Anyway, it’s all making me want to share what I
know because I think the truth is important.
In August 2014, Neil Young, the musician and my fellow
Canadian, stated on his website that cotton farming takes up 5% of the world’s
arable land. Rolling Stone Magazine pounced on the story (a kind of
ratification) as did Stereogum, a music site that really should not be
spreading fibs. Check it out.
My friend, a cotton expert, disagreed with the 5% number and
wrote Neil Young the following:
on the latest information from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the
United Nations (FAO) and the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC),
world cotton production accounted for 2.6% of world arable land in 2011, the
latest data available. Your assertion that cotton accounts for almost 5% of
earth’s arable land is in error by a factor of two”.
Neither Mr. Young nor any of the other websites reporting the 5% fibbie
changed their position. Why would that be? I mean 200% off is a not a little
fib – it is like saying I am 12 feet tall.
And it gets worse.
Neil Young’s website also proclaimed that cotton accounts for 25% of all pesticides used in
agriculture. My friend addressed this untruth in the same letter saying:
“Sales worldwide in 2012 of plant protection chemicals
(pesticides) totaled US$51.2 billion (Cropnosis, a UK based chemical consulting firm).
Pesticide use on cotton was US$3.2 billion, or 6.2% of the world total, down from 11% of all
pesticides used worldwide in 1986. Plant protection chemicals include herbicides, insecticides,
fungicides, seed care chemicals, professional products and others.
The assertion on your web site that cotton uses 25% of all of
the petrochemical based pesticides, fungicides and herbicides globally is in
error by a factor of approximately four.”
Mr. Young did not change
anything in his website nor reply to my friend. And the little fib Mr. Young
stated now resides not only on the three websites above but nine additional
sites that I have listed below. I could have found more sites but I ran out of
patience after looking for fifteen minutes.
- http://blog.royalapparel.net/keep-children-cool-safe-summer-heat/
- http://www.q107fm.ca/2014/08/05/neil-young-boycotting-non-organic-cotton/
- https://organicallygrowngroup.wordpress.com/
- http://www.digitalmusicnews.com/permalink/2014/08/04/neil-young-bans-sale-non-organic-cotton-t-shirts
- http://pitchfork.com/news/56136-neil-young-boycotts-non-organic-cotton-asks-fans-to-do-the-same/
- http://www.bodyfueling.net/ARTICLES/cotton1.html
- http://www.naturalchoice.net/blogs/greenies_1209b.html#.Vb6nhmRViko
- http://www.digplanet.com/wiki/Organic_clothing
- http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/08/20/cotton-production.aspx#!
As I was scouring for the 400%
error on insecticides I found countless non-Neil Young reports stating cotton
uses 16% of all pesticides. All of them are right almost, since cotton used 11%
of all pesticides -- but in 1986. Too bad it’s not 30 years ago.
Here’s a few of those sites... again I ran out of patience finding sites spreading untruths.
Here’s a few of those sites... again I ran out of patience finding sites spreading untruths.
So there you have it, one man on a crusade against conventional cotton with a large sphere of influence and followers but incorrect data unleashes an avalanche of incorrect data. The tally stands as follows:
Young’s “Data”
Actual / Factual Data
The Difference
5% - percentage of the planet’s
arable land he says cotton farming occupies
2.6% - the actual percentage of the
planet occupied by cotton farming
25% - the percentage of all
agricultural pesticides used worldwide that are used on cotton
6.2% - the actual percentage of all
agricultural pesticides used worldwide that are used on cotton
I suppose I should be grateful that I am allowed to set thing straight to those that care.
It is vitally important we transform ourselves into a sustainable industry. In order to do that, we need to be on the same page, and deal in “The Truth” - whether we like what we hear or not. If the starting point of improvement is deceptive we’ll never get going.
It is vitally important we transform ourselves into a sustainable industry. In order to do that, we need to be on the same page, and deal in “The Truth” - whether we like what we hear or not. If the starting point of improvement is deceptive we’ll never get going.
The hunt for the truth is not
complicated. How much pesticides are used in the world and where they are used
are objective pieces of data and fully available from industry experts. The
information on what is growing on arable land is also fully available. There is
no need to obfuscate the truth.
Cotton has lots of history and
lots of problems, but Mr. Young and others are spreading fibs, for no reason.
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